Black Sheeps in Switzerland
My neighbours vote on Sunday: Parliamentary Elections 2007 in Switzerland. Here alarming capaign posters by the Swiss People’s Party (SVP):

Schweizerische Volkspartei (SVP) – Swiss People’s Party (official website)
Volksinitiative für die Ausschaffung krimineller Ausländer –
– Initiative to expel foreign criminals (official website)

The tumultuous debate on immigration is nothing new.
Links to articles:
swiss info: „Volkspartei der „rassistischen“ Kampagne bezichtigt“ (Aug. 30th)
swiss info: „Ausschaffungs-Initiative offenbar zustande gekommen“ – „Rightwing claims success with „black sheep“(Oct. 15th)
New York Times: „Immigration, Black Sheep and Swiss Rage“ (Oct. 8th)
Spiegel Online: „White Sheep, Black Sheep: Bringing Rancor to a Swiss Election“ (Oct. 17th)
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Posted on Freitag, Oktober 19th, 2007 at 14:32, filed under Politology. Subscribe to this feed, leave a response, or trackback from your own site. You are also welcome to
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