Well, I have been back for quite a few days now. I heard that some people were disappointed by anthronaut and me about not blogging during field research in the actually promised way. But … to be honest, during the last months I sure would have loved to keep you posted more … being on the road and deep into qualitative field research, taking interviews, observating culture, asking the right questions, writing notes, and living within difficult conditions sometimes made it difficult to stay tuned and updated on blogosphere.
Nevertheless, rather late than never, I am back now. I became acclimatized once again, passed the fringe of „Kyrill“ and the final resignation of a long-term political leader in Bavaria (see odd-fish), and am promising at this very moment to reflect, study-up and publish various topics of what has been happening throughout the last days, weeks, and months. Forgive me for taking my time. Affected by electrical breakdowns, floodings, hurricane fringes, limited time, travels, hackers, personal life, and a tremendous amount of investigative ethnological field research, I simply haven’t been able at all to keep my promise.
But … warauduati ain’t put done, he keeps on blogging!
Keeps on Blogging!
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Posted on Freitag, Januar 19th, 2007 at 23:56, filed under Personalogy. Subscribe to this feed, leave a response, or trackback from your own site. You are also welcome to Print This Post
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