One of the first entries here discussed Metro- polis, a science-fiction-based movie released in 1927 by Fritz Lang. Now, 80 years after its première, toy company Stenco, known for its robots since 1955, reconstructed Maria.
Created when the face and soul of human activist Maria is transferred to a female robot, robot Maria now becomes an evil seductress in the movie. As a rarity in film those days, Maria had been an example and an inspiration for various machine men in the future, C-3PO of Star Wars probably the most famous.
The original robot was destroyed by a fire while shooting Metropolis in 1926. Since then fans worldwide tried to reproduce her based on the movie scenes and press photos. Her creater Walter Schulze-Mittendorff built a static copy in the 60s.
Now, Stenco wants to distribute 2.000 speci- (wo)men of life-sized Maria made of synthetic resin throughout the internet and the German film library in Berlin beginning in February. Additionally to the figure, busts and smaller models can be purchased by collectors, museums and cinemas.
Maria – Metropolis‘ Evil Seductress
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Posted on Dienstag, Januar 23rd, 2007 at 14:35, filed under Cinematography, Generalosity, Medialogy. Subscribe to this feed, leave a response, or trackback from your own site. You are also welcome to Print This Post
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